Women Forward

We provide high-integrity, high-impact coaching, and workshops for progressive women and gender-oppressed folks. We believe in a world in which all expressions of life are honored. By centering the margins we are building a movement of people committed to creating the equitable world we know is possible when we challenge the norms and center the margins.


Let’s reimagine what is possible.

When those at the margins are in power, our society is more just, resilient, and whole.

That’s why we’re here: to provide the most impactful coaching, and training support to progressive women and gender-oppressed people in running for office or considering roles in public leadership, from congressional candidates to local organizers.

Work with us.


Thinking of running for office?

Schedule your free coaching session with us.

Grab our free clarity workbook.

Craft your purpose-driven campaign now.


What our clients say about us:


“Meg helps me bring my best strengths forward and cast out doubts. She is my sounding board and cheerleader. I don't think I would have ever landed my dream job in my dream city without her.”

— Kim Williams, Candidate, U.S. Congress, California’s 16th

Working with Cyndi has been a profound experience. She helped me shatter so many blocks. I remember having a session in the morning and implementing a breakthrough hours later when I was delivering a speech. It has been empowering and has shifted my mindset. I am so grateful.”

— Mia Livas Porter, Candidate, CA State Assembly District 52

Meg has been a huge help in my run for Congress. Her training as a coach, empathy, and perceptiveness have helped me work through many challenges. I highly recommend Meg to anyone looking for a coach who brings a welcome light-heartedness to challenges and an orientation towards action." 

— Rebecca Parson, Candidate, U.S. Congress, Washington's 6th 

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

Arundhati Roy


We have a reputation for high-integrity, high-impact coaching and consulting that helps the change-making candidates make big leaps forward - in a way that’s inspiring, not exhausting.


“We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

June Jordan